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Clean Air For All: 50 Years of the Clean Air Act Virtual Symposium


September 29, 2020

There will be short breaks between each session

12:00PM (all times eastern)

The Promise of the Clean Air Act

Learn from leaders in the fields of law, public health and environmental justice about the connections between one’s zip code and the likelihood of suffering disproportionate health and economic impacts from air pollution. The legal underpinnings of the law along with legal approaches for addressing disparities will be discussed.

  • Moderator: Paul Billings, National Senior Vice President of Public Policy, American Lung Association
  • Panelists
    • Vickie Patton, General Counsel, Environmental Defense Fund
    • Peggy Shepard, Co-Founder and Executive Director, WE ACT for Environmental Justice
    • Wayne Nastri, Executive Officer, South Coast Air Quality Management District
    • Dr. Mary Rice, Physician, Beth Israel Deconess Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chair, Environmental Health Policy Committee, American Thoracic Society

Innovation for Cleaner Air

While clean air is protected by the Clean Air Act, improvements cannot be achieved through regulations alone. In this discussion, learn from practitioners who are advancing clean air through both policy and technology innovations, from both the public and the private sectors.Ìý

  • Moderator: Sarah Vogel, Vice President, Health, EDF
  • Panelists
    • Margo Oge, Former Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA

    • Tim Johnson, Director, Emerging Regulations and Technologies, Corning Environmental Technologies

    • Tommy Wells, Director, Department of Energy & Environment, Distict of Columbia

    • David Hawkins, Former Assistant Administrator, Air, Noise and Radiation, EPA

Clean Air and Climate Change in the 21st Century

From rising temperatures resulting in more intense and frequent wildfires, to the formation of more ground-level ozone pollution – we are seeing the devastating impacts of climate change on our air quality right now. Clean air cannot be achieved or protected without addressing climate change. In this conversation, experts from the fields of law, public health, and science will discuss tools used to assess the relationships between climate change, air quality, and health impacts, and solutions needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

  • Moderator: Dr. Georges C. Benjamin, Executive Director, American Public Health Association
  • Confirmed Panelists
    • Ann Carlson,ÌýShirley Shapiro Professor of Environmental Law; Faculty Director, Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, UCLA School of Law
    • Deborah P. Brown, Chief Mission Officer, American Lung Association
    • John Haynes, Program Manager, Health and Air Quality Applications, Applied Sciences Program, NASA Earth Science Division
    • Dr. Susan Anenberg, Associate Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health and Global Health, George Washington University School of Public Health


Lessons from the Past 50 Years

In this interactive dialogue, learn from and engage with those who were responsible for the original 1970 Clean Air Act and the 1990 Amendments at the helm of the Environmental Protection Agency and in Congress.

  • Moderator: Dan Fiorino, Director, Center for Environmental Policy, American University School of Public Affairs
  • Panelists
    • Bill Reilly, Former Administrator, EPA
    • Carol Browner, Former Administrator, EPA
    • Gina McCarthy, President and CEO, Natural Resources Defense Council; Former Administrator, EPA
    • Tom Jorling, Former Congressional Aide; Former Assistant Administrator, Office of Water and Hazardous Materials, EPA


Conclusions and Next Steps

