Ranked number 10
Best Public Affairs Program - 2023
Our MPAP degree prepares you with the leadership skills, insight, and critical thinking to craft public policies, lead public programs and monitor their implementation and success effectively. By graduation you can:
Apply knowledge of organizational management, leadership, structure and culture, human resource systems, and political and legal context of contemporary public service organizations.
Use acquired analytic frameworks and methodological skills, including statistics, economics, and politics while considering their responsiveness, accountability, effectiveness and equity.
Include values in policy and administrative analysis and actions, including respect for the diversity of people and perspectives in the policy process.
Use new knowledge in real-world policy and organizational problems in a collaborative manner.
Our Master of Public Administration and Policy program ensures you build real-world experience and your professional network to best serve you after graduation.
Influential scholars within public administration, public policy, and organization development elevate the quality of instruction by sharing their real-world and practical experiences.
Choose the cases and activities you work on based on the causes or angles you’re interested in. In your capstone course, you will complete a policy analysis or administrative project for a real-world client.
Gain a prestigious credential with blended experiences and knowledge from our nationally recognized, NASPAA-accredited master’s programs in public administration and in public policy.
AU delivers the best of both worlds with theoretical, foundational knowledge and how to apply them successfully in practice to the challenges in public administration and policy.
Ranked number 10
Best Public Affairs Program - 2023
Ranked number 4
Top Public Management & Leadership Program - 2023
Ranked number 6
International Policy & Administration - 2023
Admission to American University’s online Master of Public Administration and Policy program requires an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university.
Applicants will need to submit:
*The application fee is typically waived if the application file is complete within a three week period.
Prospective students who have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or above (on a 4.0 scale) in their undergraduate program, or those with five or more years of active-duty experience in the military (regardless of their GPA score), can qualify for the Online Merit Scholarship in award amounts up to $18,000.
As part of your application process, your academic history and military experience will be reviewed to see if the scholarship canbe applied; there is no separate application to fill out.
You’ll be notified of the scholarship status when you’re admitted to the program, or shortly thereafter.
Scholarship will be applied to the 5th and 8th course, as long as you remain in good academic standing.
When you choose the online Master of Public Administration and Policy from American University, you will study a critical blend of topics in public administration and policy analysis that prepare you to make a real difference in society and advance your career.
Details can be found on our Program Curriculum page.
Earn a Certificate in Analytics and Management
Have you considered adding Analytics and Management credentials to your graduate degree?
The School of Public Affairs Analytics and Management Institute (SAMI) offers zero-credit and one-credit skills courses for all students currently enrolled in our M.S. in Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security. Whether for-credit as part of your degree program or non-credit – and thus tuition-free – in addition to your degree program, by completing any combination of three courses, you can earn a valuable Certificate in Analytics and Management. SAMI classes are available exclusively to current students in a School of Public Affairs online MSCTHS and are offered in a convenient online or hybrid format, with in-person and virtual sessions available on select weekends. To learn more, visit our SAMI course offerings and FAQs or speak to an advisor.
Whether you work at the local, state, federal or international level, you are ready to manage and lead effectively. Use your online Master of PublicAdministration and Policy degree and your professional network to develop a successful career in public service.
You graduate prepared to:
You will know how to manage and lead public, nonprofit, and private organizations that administer public policy and be prepared to conductresearch and develop tools to implement public action.
With your abilities to grasp and solve complex problems to improve policies and public service delivery, you will easily adapt to, and advancewithin the sector and career you pursue.
Ninety-five percent of our graduates are working, in grad school, or both.1
35 percent Working in Nonprofit Organizations
38 percent Working in Government
27 percent Working in For-Profit Organizations
1 percent Working and Attending Grad School
3 percent Attending Grad School
See morereal-world updatesfor graduates of this program.
Note that 53% of professionals with an MPA or an MPP earn more than $75,001 a year.
Overwhelmingly, professionals with an MPA or MPP are happy in their careers.
Our graduates put their skills to use as project managers or program directors, or as public policy analysts, public affairs specialists, and consultantsacross all sectors.
Learning to use the different frameworks for policy analysis and applying logic and ethics to the understanding of government policy prepares you for a policy analyst role. Policy analysts may collect or research data related to a particular policy, estimate the effects of new proposed policies and make recommendations, evaluate existing programs, and communicate this information to public officials and other decision-makers.
Coursework prepares you to:
The online Master’s in Public Policy and Administration prepares you for roles such as alevel-2 public policy analyst, which typically requires 4-7 years of experience and has amedian salary of $91,750.3
With continued experience, you could pursue agovernment liaison level-3position and earn amedian salary of $132,000 a year.4In this role, you will monitor and analyze proposed legislation, emerging issues and trends and prepare reports to inform and support the organization.
With a decade of experience, you could become agovernment liaison level-4.At this point, you work independently and most likely in a specialized area. Your responsibilities revolve around solutions and possibly leadership in your area of expertise. You will earn amedian salary of $172,000.5
Networking Associations
The(APPAM) is committed to the improvement of public policy research, analysis, and education.
Studying topics in legal and financial issues, organization management, project management, and human resources gives you the grit, grace and skill sets needed to succeed in public administration and management roles. You graduate able to:
Public administration applies to a variety of potential career paths, including those in municipal, county, and state management as well as in the federal government. Public administrators work in a wide range of sectors, including:
In the federal government, salaries are publicized annually inA new employee with a master’s degree is typically paid at a GS-9 level. However, if you’ve already been working in a government role, your master’s degree could move you up two paygrades, from a GS-9 to a GS-11, or even from a GS-11 to a GS 13.
Each pay grade on the scale can also evolve within 10 steps to produce a salary range for that level.
Networking Associations
Throughout your coursework you will cover the unique operational, financial, and managerial aspects of nonprofit management so that you can graduate able to:
Nonprofit work represents 10.2% of private sector employment and is responsible for 12.3 million jobs and $6.7 billion in wages annually.6
When you graduate with a master’s degree, you may start out as aprogram managerwith asalary of $92,718 per year.7With experience and success, you could become anassociate director of a nonprofit, with a mediansalary of $126,516 a year,8and after that, aprogram executive directorwith a median salary of$144, 828.9
Networking Associations
Students looking to work at the municipal or state level are at an advantage with a combined degree in public administration and public policy. You will understand how to straddle the analytic and management tasks within the ever-present political context. Graduate able to use a lasting set of organizational, managerial, and leadership skills so you can:
With these skills, students are prepared to enter their state or local government offices and improve how the local programs and government departments and agencies operate. Public service employees at the state and local levels maybegin as researcherswith a salary of$59,740 a year.10They could progress to city management or aposition managing a state’s department,and earn a median salary of$104,00 a year.11
Networking Associations
Students who expect to work in this challenging field must have an in-depth understanding of the way that different organizations function in the public and private sectors. They are often called to seamlessly switch between working in government and operating in a for-profit environment. You graduate able to:
Joining a consulting firm is a common career path for graduates in public administration and public policy. Consultants bring specialized competencies to the table to assess a program’s efficiencies and make reform and improvement recommendations to programs. Typically, students who wish to start on the path of government consulting start as management analysts or auditors.
At the government level, the median income formanagement analystsis$81,090per year.12With many years of experience, government consultants may become anexecutive in governmentwith anannual salary near $104,730 a year, or choose towork within professional servicesand earn an average salary of$208,000 or more.13
Networking Associations
Government consultants enjoy access to a premier consulting association:
Coursework in the MPAP curriculum prepares you to balance competing needs to determine the most effective method in how to finance important public programs. It prepares you to grasp the political and legal contexts that public budgets operate within at all levels of government. Graduate ready for this career path able to:
Government funds at any level require careful management to ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently.
Public administration and policy graduates working in financial management help ensure that budgets for policy initiatives and goals are in line with the needs of constituents. They may create budgets, estimate budgetary impacts, account for funds, analyze the use of funds, collect fees and some taxes, or study the implications of the use of public funds.
People in this field often start out asbudget analysts in local, state or federal government, where 46% of them work andearn between $77,000 and $87,000 a year.14With experience, you could step into afinancial manager role in governmentand earn an average income of$123,010.15
Networking Associations
American University’s Career Center offers its services to online and on-campus students as well as to all alumni, so you will continue toreceive support for as long as you need it.
This means you will have access to resources for your job search, career advising, internships, and scholarships. You can also network, lookfor jobs, and apply for positions by making an account at AU Career Web, our online career search tool.
Every year, approximately 6,000 public administration and policy graduate students apply for the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program in hopes of joining its prestigious ranks. The, established by executive order in 1977, was designed to provide a pipeline of qualified professionals who could bring their skills and expertise to the federal government.
Landing a fellowship means a paid, two-year appointment working for the federal government. Alumni of the program include senators,diplomats, and federal program directors — becoming a PMF finalist can jump-start the careers of civil servants and provide them with apowerful network.
In 2022, about 7% of PMF applicants became finalists, and only 33% of those were selected for a fellowship.16
The extensive testing, resume evaluation, and essay writing processes are intense, and for most, the PMF experience ends with the application process. But with support from peers and faculty,the number of PMF appointments to American University grads outnumbers those from all other universities in the nation — in 2022, 41% of our PMF finalists were awarded a fellowship.16
American University actively encourages its top students who are interested in a federal public service career to apply for the PMF programand provides detailed online information sessions.
After applying, candidates must take an online test and submit a résumé and transcript. Top-performing, first-round candidates are namedfinalists and are eligible for an appointment as a Fellow with a participating federal agency.
While it’s a challenging process, American University prepares its candidates for each stage.
One secret to the school’s success: American University has a Blackboard site set up with study guides and offers prep workshops forstudents who plan to take the three-hour test.
If selected, finalists have one year to apply for positions available only to Fellows. Last year, there were 550 finalists. American Universityconnects its finalists with alumni through networking sessions in which finalists receive tips on applying for these positions. This dramaticallyimproves their chances of success when applying. Because of the school’s efforts and support, 98 percent of American University’s finalistsbecome Fellows.
Built to address the real-world needs of policy professionals and public administrators, the online MPAP program offers experiences that truly prepare graduates to make a difference. With many opportunities to collaborate, network, and take on realistic challenges, the program produces outstanding graduates.
As passionate change-makers, our alumni are responsible for using their policy skills to make an impact. You can join an incredible set of AU alumniwho work in diverse roles across sectors and organizations.
We’re especially proud of our faculty—prominent scholars and real-world professionals at the top of their fields who value mentoring students as much as they value excellence in the classroom. Through their teaching, scholarly achievements and first-hand experience, you’ll gain a special entry point to public administration and policy.
Visit our Program Faculty page to learn more about our faculty.
American University welcomes its online students as a part of its community. As an online student, you’ll learn from the same outstanding faculty and be held to the same learning standards as students who attend courses on campus. On-campus and online programs deliver the same outcomes, and important support systems, like career resources, are set up for online learners as well. The only difference is you’re allowed to learn when and where it’s best for you so you can earn your degree and advance your career without putting the rest of your career and life on hold.
Our digital campus was intentionally designed based on extensive research behind what makes online learning successful. We combine advanced technology, hands-on experiences, and full access to the American University community. Here, you’re not an online student, you’re an AU student.
Online courses are as challenging as their on-campus counterparts and taught by the same connected faculty members and prominent lecturers.
New-student orientation, 24/7 help desk for technical issues, a student services coordinator, financial aid advisers, and more are all available to ensure your success.
Home to some of the most acclaimed scholars and thought leaders in the world, you’ll learn from award-winning scholars and policymakers, diplomats, authors, artists, attorneys, scientists, journalists, and more.
Use virtual tools to talk about your coursework, work in teams with classmates, build strong connections, network with others and ask your professor questions and turn in assignments.
American University is dedicated to supporting military service members, veterans, and their families.
As an online student of the Master of Public Administration and Policyprogram, you can transform your military experience and leadership skills into new career possibilities as you earn your degree, regardless of where you live or are stationed.
We support a full range of military education benefits such as:
Additionally, if you’ve served in any branch of the U.S. military on active duty within the past three years, you’re eligible for an application fee waiver. We accept transfer credits from military coursework, have a dedicated Office of Veterans Services to help connect you to benefits, and maintain an active Veterans Services Support Network.
We welcome you to learn more about ourmilitary benefitsandhow to applyfor them.
Disclaimer: GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website:
Become an American University student. A passion for public service, an emphasis on active leadership, and a global outlook are the hallmarks of the American University learning experience. We create graduates who stand out from their peers as active, socially aware, and compassionate leaders who work toward creating meaningful change in our world.
To learn more about American University’s Master of Public Administration and Policy program,request more information,, or call us toll-free at855-725-7614
Admission requirements for the online Master of Public Administration and Policy program include a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
Applicants will need to submit the following:
All applicants are considered for the Online Merit Scholarship in award amounts up to $12,000 during the application review — no separate application is required.
*The application fee is typically waived if the application file is complete within three weeks.
A TOEFL score of 600 (or 100 on the internet-based test), a minimum score of 68 on the Pearson Test of English, or a minimum IELTS score of seven (7) is required. Additionally, applicants with international transcripts must have them evaluated course by course. For a list of acceptable evaluators, go to.
Applicants will complete a phone interview with the Program Director and will need to submit:
Yes, it is not a requirement to have an undergraduate degree in public administration and policy.
The program can be completed in 24 months at a full-time pace of two courses each semester. Taking more than two courses per semester is not recommended due to the rigor of the program.
No, there are no specializations offered. This program is structured to blend the core curriculum of the campus Master of Public Administration and Master of Public Policy.
GRE requirement is currently being waived. Although the MPAP program does not require the GRE, students with a GPA below 3.0 are encouraged to take the GRE for further evaluation. LSAT scores can also be evaluated in place of the GRE.
Our application deadline varies based on the term you are applying for. Please note that the earlier you submit your application, the sooner you will know whether you’ve been awarded the Online Merit Scholarship. Please contact ouradvisors for a specific timeline as to when your application file needs to be fully submitted.
Our fall semester starts in late August. The spring semester starts in January. The summer session begins in May.
Graduate students enrolled at least part-time in a master’s program may be eligible for federal loans. To apply, students must submit theOur FAFSA number is 001434.
The final course in your Master of Public Administration and Policy is to demonstrate what you’ve learned by performing policy analysis or a management project for an external client.
Professionals with a Master of Public Administration and Policy are typically employed in the public, for-profit, and nonprofit sectors in the United States and abroad. Learn more about ourgraduates’ success.
When you graduate with a Master of Public Administration and Policy degree, you will be prepared for a variety of nonprofit jobs, depending on your experience within the field, including:
Yes. A significant portion of our graduates have entered careers with nonprofit organizations.
American University is pleased to offer the Online Merit Scholarship to students who demonstrate undergraduate excellence and continue to graduate studies as well as to incoming students who have five years or more of active-duty military experience. Scholarships are available to students who meet the eligibility requirements.Contact an admissions counselor for more information.
Yes, online students can easilyrequest a Student ID onlineto take advantage of all the same resources as our on-campus students.