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2022 AchievementsRecent faculty, student, and alumni accomplishments

The distinct silhouette of AU's Hall of Science

Michael Brenner (Center for Israel Studies) authored " in the The Washington Post.

Ernesto Castañeda (Sociology) discussed ending Title 42 with.

Stefano Costanzi (Chemistry) was invited as one of just 50 non-governmental representatives to attend the 27th Conference of States Parties to theChemical Weapons Convention (CSP-27) at the Hague, November 28-December 2, 2022.

Tim Doud’s (Studio Art) exhibition Prolepsis at HEMPHILL Fine Arts was reviewed by The Washington Post’s Mark Jenkins for

Jessica Gephart (Environmental Science) was selected by the USDepartment of State as one of seven distinguished scientists to serve as.

Bernhard Gunter (Economics) gave the keynote address at the International Visitor Leadership Program (), the USDepartment of State’s premier professional exchange program.

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke with outlets including WION News, NTV, CGTN, and RTVI regarding various foreigweapons and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Danielle Mysliwiec (Studio Art) was a Maake magazine ahead of her solo exhibition at County Gallery in Palm Beach, FL, opening in January 2023.

Pamela Nadell (Jewish Studies) spoke with about Dave Chappelle’s antisemetic comments on Saturday Night Live. Nadell also spoke with,,, and about antisemetic comments by public figures.

Jason A. Pedersen (alumnus, CAS) was named by the National Association of School Psychologists.

Aaron Posner (Theatre) directed William Shakespeare'sThe Tempest at Round House Theatre in Washington, DC. The play was reviewed by . Posner also spoke with about his career as a director and playwright.

Arthur Shapiro (Psychology) spoke with about the science behind the crater illusion.

Stacey Snelling (Health Studies) received a $199,488 grant from the District of Columbia Department of Health for the project titled “Health Equity & Advancing Health Literacy – DC (HEAL-DC).” Snelling also received a $125,000 grant from the same department for the project titled “Food Matters: Nourishing the Body and Soul.”

David J. Vázquez (Literature, CRGC) received the award for Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial from the.

Tracy Weitz (Sociology) received a $50,000 grant from The Educational Foundation of America for the project titled “Abortion Funds Post-Dobbs.”

Rhonda Zimlich (Literature) received a Professional Development Opportunity Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC), which will fund her attendance at a writers’ retreat at Zigbone Farm Retreat Center, where she will complete her memoir.

Perry Zurn (Philosophy) discussed his new book Curious Minds (MIT Press) with.


Mohammed Aldawood (World Languages and Cultures) about how to pronounce "Qatar"in an article on the World Cup host nation.

Dan Arbell (History) spoke with BBC about the election in Israel.

Laura Beers (History) spoke with BBC about the resignation of Liz Truss. She also published an about the new British prime minister.

Andrea Brothers (Chemistry) published a paper in Nanoscale Advances (IF=5.598) on nanoscale structures with tunable optical properties.

Ernesto Castañeda (Sociology) clarified a misleading statistic used in reporting USborder encounters in an interview with. He also appeared in a variety of TV interviews with NTN24 Bogota Colombia, France24 ES, and Alhurra TV.

Stefano Costanzi (Chemistry) was one of only 50 NGO representatives selected to attend in person the 27th Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CSP-27) in The Hague, November 28 - December 2, 2022.

Mary Eschelbach Hansen (Economics) spoke with about rising credit card debt and fees.

Yvonne Fulbright (Sociology) discussed the importance of sexual attraction in romantic relationships with.

Mary Gray (Mathematics and Statistics) discussed the SCOTUS affirmative action cases in higher education admissions with the Shelton Herald.

Robin Hahnel(Prof. Emeritus, Economics) work appeared in on the topic of his book ‘A Participatory Economy.’

Matt Hartings (Chemistry) contributed to an article on ‘The Most Divisive Holiday Dish Ever.’

Philip Johnson (Physics) received a $359,622.81 grant (incrementally funded over three years for a total of $1,599,868) from NASA for the project titled “Remote Sensing of Planetary Atmospheres in the Solar System and Beyond.”

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke with about USpolicy on nuclear first strike. Additionally, Kuznick appeared in interviews with WION News, CGTN, activism Munich, RTVI, Postscript TVC, and Kyodo News.

Juliana Martinez (World Languages and Cultures) spoke with KLST News about Hispanic clothing and culture.

Allan Lichtman (History) discussed Trump’s subpoena by the Jan. 6 committee with. He also discussed the current state of the Republican Party following the 2022 midterm elections with.

Gabriel Mathy (Economics) spoke to about the slowing inflation rate.

Pamela Nadell (Jewish Studies) discussed Kanye West’s antisemitic remarks and their impact on the Jewish community with.

Deborah Norris (Psychology) discussed the expansion of the 5G network in Montgomery County with.

Jessica Owens-Young (Health Studies) received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the project titled “RWJF Interdisciplinary Research Leaders.”

Stacey Snelling (Health Studies) wrote about the definition and purpose of Health Promotion for.

Rachel Louise Snyder (Literature) was featured as an expert commentator in the .

David Vine (Anthropology) and Peter Kuznick (History), along with collaborators outside of AU, received grants from the Jubitz Foundation and the War Prevention Institute for their extensive work and research on weapons history.

Rachel Watkins (Anthropology) spoke with about medical and scientific racism that was revealed in century-old plaque.

Tracy Weitz (Sociology) spoke on the election’s impact on reproductive rights with.


Reza Akbari (PhD Candidate, History) spoke with about protests on university campuses in Iran.

Joanne Allen (Art History) published the book (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Laura Beers (History) spoke with about the resignation of Liz Truss. Beers also published an op-ed on about Britain’s new prime minister, Rishi Sunak.

Raychelle Burks (Chemistry) received a $52,509 grant from Doane University via the National Science Foundationfor the project titled “Developing Computational Efficacy and Skill within an Inclusive Community of Practice in the Natural Sciences.”

Ernesto Castañeda (Sociology) spoke to KMH Fox 26 about the Biden Administration’s current immigration policies.

Victoria Connaughton (Biology) received a $15,000 grant from The University of the District of Columbia- Water Resources Research Institutefor the project titled “Assessing cellular mechanisms underlying behavioral changes in larval fish raised in Anacostia River water.”

Steven Dashiell, Postdoctoral Fellow for Academic Diversity, was featured on, discussing his research on games, as well as race and notable types of discourse.

Ignacio Gonzalez-Garcia (Economics) received a $500,410 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation for the project titled “The Macroeconomics of Taxation and Inequality in the United States: a proposal for a new policy model and Institute.”

Mary Eschelbach Hansen (Economics) spoke with about rising credit card debt and fees.

Students in the Health Studies Department, advised by Prof. Melissa Hawkins, participated in the NASEM (The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine) Public Health Case Challenge and presented a “feasible solution to reduce intimate personal violence in DC.” This work earned them the Spencer Harrison Interprofessional Prize.

Kara Kokernak (Environmental Science) spoke withabout Hurricane Preparedness.

Caroline Kuo (Health Studies) received a $39,781 grant from Brown University (prime sponsor: National Institutes of Health, NIH) for the project titled “Advancing Integrated Alcohol-HIV Training of Frontline Providers in a Global Priority Setting.”

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke with Ren TV (Russia), KPFA Radio, NTV Network, Iranian TV, Newsweek, The Hill, Fox 8 Cleveland, CGTN, WION, and RTVI about a variety of topics including his expertise on nuclear weapons history and the ongoing Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Allan Lichtman (History) spoke withabout Donald Trump’s legal woes and potential run for president in 2024.

Daniel Sayers (Anthropology) spoke toabout the benefits of wetlands.

Stacey Snelling (Health Studies) received a $275,000 grant from the District of Columbia Department of Aging and Community Living for the project titled “Safe at Home Evaluation and Programming Implementation.”

David Vine(Anthropology) work was referenced in aarticle on weapons and war.

Brian Yates (Psychology) is about to publish published his sixth book, on which he is the second author, titled “Cost-Inclusive Evaluation, Planning It, Doing It, Using It.” (with Guilford Press, 2023).Yates presented at the Fall 2022 Partners Meeting of the on the cost-inclusive evaluation of emergency assistance programs for LGBTQI+ human rights defenders. The event was hosted by the Government of Iceland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Safnahúsið, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Jessica Young (Health Studies) received a $78,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the project titled “RWJF Interdisciplinary Research Leaders - Cohort Seven.


Vladimir Aairapetian (Physics) received a grant for $38,807 from the University of California, Berkeley, for the project titled “Observationally Constrained Modeling of the Origin and Impacts of Exoplanetary Space Weather.”

Tanja Aho (American Studies) won the university’s Faculty-Staff Collaboration Award for their work on founding and growing the Disability + Faculty/Staff Affinity Group.

Laura Beers (History) was featured on speaking about the future of the monarchy. She also titled "For Britain, Queen Elizabeth Left Nothing Undone."

John Bracht (Biology) received an award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his project titled "Investigating the molecular basis of evolved stress resilience in a subterrestrial nematode."

Ernesto Castaneda (Sociology) spoke to about the Biden Administration’s current immigration policies.

Donald Collins (Critical Race, Gender, Culture Studies) was featured in about threats to democracy.

Leah Ding (Computer Science) received a $160,000 award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for her project titled “Accelerating NASA's Earth and Heliophysics Scientific Research with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms.”

Tim Doud(Studio Art)solo exhibition, ,will open at Hemphill Fine Arts Gallery in Washington, DC, on November 12.

Douglas Fox (Chemistry) received a $40,000 grant from Vireo Advisors, LLC, for the project titled “Compositional Analysis of Commercial Cellulose.”

Amos Golan (Economics) received a $53,144 grant from the US Department of Agriculturefor the project titled “The Value of Publicly Available Information and Data.”

David Haaga (Psychology) received a $1,500 grant from Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, for the project titled “Therapist Competence Measure Development for Comprehensive Behavioral (ComB) Treatment of Trichotillomania (TTM).”

AU student Rachael Hesse (American Studies) won the AU Library’s Best Overall Undergraduate Paper Award for their capstone project “How Joan Rivers Created the Modern Female Comedian.”

Philip Johnson (Physics) received an award from the NASA for his project titled "Interpreting Cassini CIRS Data with a Photochemical Model Using Improved ab Initio Reaction Rate Coefficients."

Maya S. Kearney (Anthropology) received the American Anthropological Association 2022 .

David Kearns (Psychology) received a grant for $320,305 (funded over five years for a total of $1,601,079) from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for his project titled "Opioid and Psychostimulant Taking: Testing the Impact of Behavioral Economic Contexts."

Pankaj Kumar (Physics) received an award from the NSFfor his project titled "Collaborative Proposal: Where Are Particles Accelerated in Coronal Jets?"

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke to about his research into the history of nuclear bombs, and he joined ‘Fineprint’ to discuss Russia’s purchase of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea.

Allan Lichtman (History) spoke to about Donald Trump’s legal woes and potential run for president in 2024.

AU student Talia Marshall (American Studies) won an AU Provost Summer Scholars award for her research project "Queer Time Meets Neurodivergent Time: Exploring Temporal Intersections.” She will present her research at the Modern Language Association’s national conference in January 2023.

Pamela Nadell (History) reviewed Walter Russell Mead’s new book, “The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People” for the .

Michael Robinson (Mathematics and Statistics) received a $94,000 award (funded over three years for a total of $284,633) from the Office of Naval Researchfor his project titled “Topological Acoustical Feature Extraction and Exploitation.”

Kendra Salois (Performing Arts) was featured in for her research into music in North Africa.

Stacey Snelling (Health Studies) published an article that ties together a five-year grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture at schools, titled “Healthy schoolhouse 2.0 strides towards equity in obesity prevention.” Snelling also received a $27,500 grant from DC Public Schools for the project, “DCPS Hope Model Expansion Part II.“

Catherine Stoodley (Neuroscience) received an award from the NIHfor her project titled "Effects of age and lesion location on motor, behavioral and cognitive outcomes in pediatric posterior fossa tumors."

Tracy Weitz (Sociology) received a $500,000 award from the Hewlett Foundation for her project titled "Ensuring the timely share and use of information about changes in the USabortion landscape.”

Jon D. Wisman (Economics) gave a on his book, The Origins and Dynamics of Inequality: Sex, Politics, and Ideology(Oxford University Press, 2021).

Perry Zurn (Philosophy) spoke with about how to keep kids curious.


Laurie Bayet (Neuroscience) received a $577,408 grant from the National Science Foundationfor the project titled “Grounding computational models of vision with infant brain data.” Bayet has been selected as one of two recipients for 2022 by the International Congress of Infant Studies. This is awarded to an early career scientist who has established a significant, independent record of scholarly work and advanced the scientific understanding of human infancy.

Douglas Fox (Chemistry) received a $136,987 grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technologyfor the project titled “Covalently Crosslinked Intumescing Coatings for Fire Protecting Wood & Fabrics.”

Amos Golan (Economics) recently published two papers: “” and “.”

Matthew Hartings (Chemistry) received a $23,476 grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technologyfor the project titled “Photonic Sensors for Measuring Radiation Dosage.”

Caroline Kuo (Health Studies) received a $39,781 grant from Brown University (through the National Institutes of Health) for the project titled “Advancing Integrated Alcohol-HIV Training of Frontline Providers in a Global Priority Setting.”

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke with RTV Russian Television, acTVism Munich, RTVI, CGTN, Republic TV India, and NTV Russia about a variety of topics surrounding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

David Ramos (Art) spoke with NPR Weekend about the and how our history affects flood risks.

David Reznik (Sociology) spoke with USA Today about , drawing from his own experiences.

Stacy Snelling (Health Studies) received a $32,164 grant from Home Care Partners under the DC Department of Aging and Community Livingfor the project titled “Safe at Home Program Evaluation.”

Catherine Stoodley (Neuroscience) received a $13,579 grant (incrementally funded over two years for a total of $27,565) from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center for the project titled “Cerebellar Modulation for Children-Neurodevelopmental Challenges.”

Santiago Toledo (Chemistry) spoke with the Washington Post about how the rare element , but rockets, smartphones, and medical equipment too.

Claudia Watts (Art History, MA student) spoke with the Washington Post about .


TESOL alumni Debora Amidani and Carlye Stevens are incorporating a digital storytelling project by Polina Vinogradova (WLC) into their adult English language classes at DC’s Family Place Public Charter School.

Naomi Baron (WLC) weighed in on the use of in an article for MSNBC.

Terry Davidson (Neuroscience) contributed expertise to an article in the on childhood obesity and brain function.

Nika Elder (Art History) co-edited essays for the current issue of, the Smithsonian American Art Museumjournal.

Jessica Gephart (Environmental Science) was awarded a $785,000 NSF grant to develop a global seafood trade network database for sustainable food systems, human health, and nutrition security.

Boris Gershman's (Economics) research on the evil eye was cited in the .

Kiho Kim (Environmental Science) is co-PI on an $800,000 NSF grant entitled “Noyce Scholar Retention in Racially and Culturally Non-dominant Communities: Partnerships and Persistence.”

Kiho Kim (Environmental Science) is co-PI on a $300,000 NSF grant to develop enhanced teaching and learning through problem-based pedagogy. Karen Knee and Barbara Balestra are also participating in this research, which partially focuses on our Habits of Mind class, ENVS 150 (the Nature of Earth).

Karen Knee (Environmental Science) and collaborators at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and Washington State University–Vancouver were recently awarded a 3-year, $700,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from trees.

Pankaj Kumar (Physics) was awarded a $265,312 NSF grant for Collaborative Research: SHINE: Where Are Particles Accelerated in Coronal Jets?

Peter Kuznick (History) appeared on and spoke to “CrossTalk” RT, Republic TV India, Soloviev LIVE, Malaysia Sun, and Agua Media about Ukraine and the Middle East.

Adam McKay (Physics), AU research professor and research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, will become one of the first people to use the James Webb Space Telescope later this month. He was featured in AU Magazine.

Malgorzata J. Rymsza-Pawlowska (History) appeared in Netflix’s D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?! to give expertise on 1970s history and culture.

Catherine Stoodley (Neuroscience) was awarded a $396,041 National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant for “Effects of age and lesion location on motor, behavioral and cognitive outcomes in pediatric posterior fossa tumors.”

Isabel Rivero-Vila’s (WLC) film Afrykas et le Bôite Magique won several awards: Best Documentary Feature at the Cannes Independent Film Festival and Best Indigenous Film at The African Film Festival. The film was an Official Selection at the Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival.

Alexander Zestos (Chemistry) has constructed a novel carbon electrode pH sensor that can be implanted into human tissue to measure fast pH changes in the brain.


Joanne Allen (Art History) published Transforming the Church Interior in Renaissance Florence (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Michael Brenner (History) published an in The Conversation based on his book, In Hitler’s Munich: Jews, the Revolution, and the Rise of Nazism.

John Bracht (Biology) received a $425,184 grant from NIH for the project titled “Investigating the molecular basis of evolved stress resilience in a subterrestrial nematode.”

Raychelle Burks (Chemistry) won The Center for Teaching, Research & Learning’s 2021-2022 Milton and Sonia Greenberg Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award.

Laura Cutler (Center for Israel Studies) received a $50,000 grant from The Israel Institute, Inc., for the project “Teaching Expansion grant for AY 2022-23.”

Bernhard Gunter (Economics), together with co-authors Bong Sun Seo and Farah Tasneem, was awarded the by the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies.

Philip Johnson (Physics) received a $212,980 grant (incrementally funded over three years for a total of $405,044) from NASA for the project titled “Interpreting Cassini CIRS Data with a Photochemical Model using Improved ab initio Reaction Rate Coefficients.”

Anna Kaplan (History) and Donelle Boose (CRGC) produced “The Disappearing of Sister Koko, with Prof. D. Boose,” as part of Porchtales, a new podcast sponsored by the Humanities Council of DC.

Sara Clarke Kaplan (Antiracist Research and Policy Center)spoke with about what has changed across the country two years after George Floyd’s death.

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke to BBC Culture, Satoko Oka Norimatsu of the Peace Philosophy Centre, CGTN, Petra Star Media, Postscript on TVC, NTV Network, and ASEAAN MEDIA Production Co. about a variety of topics ranging from rising tensions between the US and China to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine to Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket film’s 35th anniversary.

Stephen MacAvoy (Environmental Science) received a $15,000 grant from the University of the District of Columbia for the project “Exploring anomalously high calcium in suburban MD streams in the absence of bedrock carbonate and geochemical indicators of concrete dissolution.”

Aaron Posner (Theatre) is directing at American Players Theatre in Spring Hill, Wisconsin this summer.

Isabel Rivero-Vila’s (World Languages and Cultures) documentary film Afrykas et le Bôite Magique was awarded Best Documentary Feature at the Cannes Independent Film Festival, awarded Best Indigenous Film at The African Film Festival (TAFF), and was chosen as an Official Selection at the Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival (TINFF).

Stacy Snelling (Health Studies) received a $27,500 grant from DC Public Schoolsfor the project titled “DCPS HOPE Model Expansion: Teacher Well-Being Assessment and Evaluation.”

Rachel Louise Snyder (Literature) wrote aNew York Times opinion essayonthe importance of .

Philosophy and Religion alumAngela Vega went to the White House to .

Jon Wisman (Economics) published (Oxford University Press, 2022)


Laura Beers (History) published “” on CNN discussing how “1984” and terms like “Orwellian” have been used and abused for decades, and how they relate to current events.

Public Health alumna Annika Bergstrom (CAS/BS ’15) won the United States Public Health Service 2022 Excellence in Public Health Award.

Stefano Costanzi (Chemistry) received $178,721 from the Henry L. Stimson Center for "CHEMINFORMATICS – A Chemical Weapons Non-Proliferation Compliance Tool.”

Kyle Dargan (Literature) served as editor for The Memory Librarian: And Other Stories of Dirty Computer, published by Harper Collins, which ranked #10 on the New York Times bestseller list.

Ignacio Gonzalez Garcia (Economics) received $598,097 from the New Venture Fund for "Aggregate, Sectorial and Distributional Effects of Corporate Taxation.”

Katie Holton (Health Studies) received $6,370,662 from the Department of Defense for “Confirmation of the Low Glutamate Diet as a Treatment for Gulf War Illness.”

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke to CGTN, Political Misfits, RT TV, Postscript TVC, Sputnik News about a variety of topics ranging from rising tensions between the US and China to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Ethan Mereish (Health Studies) received $681,498 in the first year of a five-year project totalling $3,141,383 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - NIAAA for the project “Confirmation of the Low Glutamate Diet as a Treatment for Gulf War Illness.”

Pamela Nadell (History) spoke to the Christian Science Monitor about the great replacement theory in “.”

Dolen Perkins-Valdez (Literature) spoke with Becky Burgum of Elle UK about .

David Pike’s (Literature) new book was reviewed by PopMatters in the article titled “.”


Laurie Bayet (Neuroscience) was recognized as a Rising Star by the .

Ernesto Castañeda (Sociology)contributed to an article on CNY Central titled “.”

Daniel Kerr (History) received a $100,000 grant from Henry Luce Foundation for“Humanities Truck Project Bridge Funding.”

Jeffrey Kaplan (Biology) was featured in Farmers Advance in an article titled “.”

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke to CGTN, Republic TV, Law and Disorder Radio, One Channel (Moscow, Russia), Sputnik Radio, Russia Today TV, RTVI, VAO News, Republic TV India, Tehran Times, acTVism Munich, The Straits Times, Iranian Council for Defending the Truth, and Fox 29 Philadelphia about a variety of topics ranging from US-Afghanistan relations to the evolving Russia-Ukraine war.

Dennis Lucarelli (Physics) received a $31,153 grant from Trustees of Dartmouth College for the project, “Quantum Characterization and Model Reduction for Fault-Tolerant Qubit Networks.” This project is to be awarded an additional 2 years of funding, making the grand total of the award $96,291.

Michael Robinson (Math/Stat) received a $110,598 grant from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the project, “Modeling and Analytic Capabilities for KBase”


Bruce J. Berger (Literature) published his second novel, The Music Stalker (Black Rose Writing).

Michael Brenner (History) published (Princeton University Press).

Three American University women, including chemistry professor Raychelle Burks and archaeologist Becca Peixotto (CAS/MA ’13, CAS/PhD ’17) were featured in the Smithsonian Institution’s exhibition, which showcases life-sized statues of 120 STEM innovators.

Ernesto Castañeda (Sociology) about the historic and economic contribution of immigrants in the DC region.

Patricia Park (Literature) shared a on Anti-Asian hate and rising political organization by Asian Americans in the New York Times.

David Pike (Literature) published a piece in The Conversation:

Nancy Snider (Performing Arts) received a $12,500 grant from the Marinus and Minna B. Koster Foundation for the project titled “Koster Foundation Summer Study Grant for Music Majors.”

Alumna Meredith Weisel (CAS BA’97) was regional director of the Anti-Defamation League of Washington, DC.

February 2022

(Physics) received a $41,838 grant from NASA for his project titled “Python Development for the CHIANTI Database.”

John Bracht (Biology) and peers from Howard University, the University of the District of Columbia, and the University of the District of Columbia Community College, published an academic commentary in the journal Cell, titled “.”

Stefano Costanzi (Chemistry) published an article in The Non-Proliferation Review, titled "Strengthening Controls on Novichoks: a Family-based Approach to Covering A-series Agents and Precursors under the Chemical-Weapons Nonproliferation Regime." (Co-author: Gregory Koblentz, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University).

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke with NTV Russian Television, RTVI, Channel One Russia, RT America, Political Misfits, TASS, TV Channel One Russia, Sputnik News, acTVism Munich, and Tehran Times about Russia/Ukraine relations.

Mary Gray (Mathematics and Statistics) and her late husband, Alfred, were honored by the Association for Women in Mathematics with a named award, the .

Sara Clarke Kaplan (Literature, ARPC) spoke to NPR about Black History Month: “?”

John Nolan (Mathematics and Statistics) has been accepted into the for a tenure of four years.

Catherine Stoodley (Neuroscience) received a grant from NIH for the project titled “Cerebellum and Autism: Regional Specialization for Social and Executive Functions.”

Jenni Walkup (student, Anthropology, ‘21) published a report for the Cost of War Project, “.”

January 2022

The latest book by Naomi S. Baron(Professor Emeritus, Linguistics), How We Read Now (Oxford University Press, 2021), was selected as a finalist for the . The PROSE Awards are given annually by the Association of American Publishers and honor scholarly works published in the preceding year.

Hanning Chen (Chemistry) was awarded $59,259 from George Washington University for “Partnership: Development of Single- and Double-Atom Catalysts for Treating Agricultural Wastewater.”

Kathleen Holton (Neuroscience and Health Studies) was awarded a $6.3 million grant from the Department of Defense (DoD) to continue examining the effects of a low glutamate diet on the neurological symptoms of Gulf War Illness.

Nicole Lorenzo (Psychology) was awarded $43,817 from the University of Maryland for her project “2/2 Treating Mothers with ADHD and their Young Children Via Telehealth: A Hybrid Type I Effectiveness-Implementation Trail.”

Students Olivia Gonyea, Yongyi Lu, Anita Novillo, Jessie Sadel, Aria Wanek, and Kai Wasson (Health Studies) won the Harrison C. Spencer Interprofessional Prize at the 8th annual DC Public Health Case Challenge, sponsored by the National Academy of Medicine.

Laura Juliano(Psychology) talked with on the variety of symptoms people may experience when quitting caffeine.

Peter Kuznick (History) spoke to Sputnik News, TASS Russian News Agency, RT America, CGTN, McGill Journal of Political Studies, Channel One Russia, RTVI, NTV, WPFW, Tehran Times, Iran Daily, and acTVism Munich about a variety of topics surrounding Ukraine, Iran, and US foreign relations.

Alumna Wendy Lower (History) won the 2021 National Jewish Book Award in Holocaust Studies for The Ravine: A Family, A Photograph, A Holocaust Massacre Revealed (Mariner Books, 2021).

Adam McKay (Physics) was awarded $30,940 by NASA for his project titled “Optical Observations of Comets as a Probe into Cometary Composition.”

Jin Y. Park (Philosophy and Religion) has been awarded the Uberoi Foundation Religious Studies Grant in the amount of $25,000 for her project “Buddhism and Nonviolence.”

Anastasia Snelling (Health Studies) received $100,000 from the District of Columbia Department of Health for the project “Multi-Component Obesity Prevention in Targeted Settings.”

Catherine Stoodley (Neuroscience) has been awarded $445,165 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for “Cerebellum and autism: Regional specialization for social and executive functions.”

Jon Wisman (Economics) published “Economic Causes of War and Peace: Overview” in Kurtz, L.R. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, vol. 1. Elsevier, Academic Press, 2022: 47–57.


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Past Achievements