Field Hockey Meeting
WATK 110 Classroom4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
AhealthyU Washington Area Wellness Coalition Meeting
SIS T7 Abramson Family Founders Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Panel presentation and networking
- Host
- AHealthyU
- Type
- Workshops and Seminars
- N/A
- More Info
- Event Page
AhealthyU Farmers Market
QUAD 3 Eric Friedheim Quadrangle Section 34400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Weekly Farmers Market from 11am-2pm. Set up from 9am-11am and clean up from 2pm-3pm. Also need Quad Roadway access.
- Host
- AHealthyU
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
AhealthyU Farmers Market
QUAD RDW Eric Friedheim Quadrangle Roadway4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Weekly Farmers Market from 11am-2pm. Set up from 9am-11am and clean up from 2pm-3pm. Also need Quad Roadway access.
- Host
- AHealthyU
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
Faculty/Staff Portraits
MGC 307 Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Faculty and Staff may make an appointment to have a professional headshot taken to be used in conjunction with their duties at AU.
- Host
- University Publications
- Type
- Workshops and Seminars
- More Info
- Event Page
Love, AU tasting event
MGC TBL1 Lobby Information Table 14400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
International Year of Quantum Event
DMTI 111 Collaboration Lab 4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
IYQ year event, hosted by Physics, including games, interactive activities, a brief talk, and food
- Host
- Physics
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
Alexander Hamilton Society Book Club
HRST 208 Classroom4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Book Club Meetings for the Alexander Hamilton Society. Book is "End of Europe" by James Kirchikck
- Host
- The Alexander Hamilton Society, AU Chapter
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
Emerging Eagles
MGC 128 Eagle Summit Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Emerging Eagles is an academic workshop for student athletes
- Host
- Athletics and Recreation
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
Lambda Financial Literacy Event!
LEO 114 The Hatch Lounge4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Lambda Financial Literacy Event!
- Host
- Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
Phi Sigma Pi Recruitment Events
SIS 349 Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Phi Sigma Pi at AU will be hosting a series of recruitment events to engage potential new members on campus. Events are designed to highlight the three pillars of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship while simultaneously advertising the benefits of the fraternity to students who may be interested in membership.
- Host
- Phi Sigma Pi
- Type
- (none)
- More Info
- Event Page
SIS UGC General Meeting
MGC 327 Meeting Room4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016
Professional Wargaming: Ecosystem Resilience
SIS 102 Classroom4400 Massachusetts AvenueWashingtonDC20016