You are here: American University University Calendar

2025 Academic Calendar Online Programs in SIS

  1. SIS Online Fall: Winter Break; University Offices Closed

Upcoming Dates

  1. Summer: 8-Week Session/SIS Online classes begin

  2. Summer: 8-Week Session/SIS Online last day to add; last day to drop with 100% refund and without a “W” recorded

  3. Summer: 8-Week Session/SIS Online withdrawal period begins ("W" recorded; 50% refund)

  4. Summer: 8-Week Session/SIS Online last day to withdraw with 50% refund

  5. Summer: 8-Week Session/SIS Online last day to withdraw with 25% refund (no refunds after this date)

  6. Memorial Day; no classes, university offices closed

  7. Summer: 8-Week Session/SIS Online last day to withdraw or change a grade option

  8. Juneteenth; no classes, university offices closed

  9. Independence Day; no classes, university offices closed

  10. Summer: 8-Week Session/SIS Online classes end

  11. Fall: Payment due for Fall classes

  12. Summer: Last day to apply for graduation

  13. Summer: Official Degree Award Date (date that appears on August Diplomas)