Past News

Middle East Studies@AU: Egyptian Revolutionary Working Group' Seminar#2: "Limited Access Orders' on the Nile: Urban Value Creation by Elites and Informals in Cairo"

October 30, 2014

Middle East Studies at American University, hosted Egyptian Revolutionary Working Group's second Seminar for this fall. This Seminar's topic was "Limited Access Orders' on the Nile: Urban Value Creation by Elites and Informals in Cairo," presented by Professor Jennifer Bremer, SAIS, Johns Hopkins. Egyptian Revolutionary Working Group's Seminars are coordinated and moderated by Professor Diane Singerman, Department of Government, School of Public Affairs. The Egyptian Revolution Working Group (ERWG) is a group of Washington DC-based scholars who share their research as it relates to the ongoing Egyptian revolution. For more information please visit ERWG .

Middle East Studies@AU: Egyptian Revolutionary Working Group' Seminar#1: "POLITICAL Inclusiveness in Egypt; The new Context"

October 16, 2014

MES@AU hosted the Egyptian Revolutionary Working Group's first Seminar for this fall. The first Seminar's topic was "Political Inclusiveness in Egypt; The New Context" presented by Professor Emad Shahin from Georgetown and Columbia Universities. Egyptian Revolutionary Working Group's Seminars are coordinated and moderated by Professor Diane Singerman, Department of Government, School of Public Affairs. The Egyptian Revolution Working Group (ERWG) is a group of Washington DC-based scholars who share their research as it relates to the ongoing Egyptian revolution. For more information please visit ERWG .

New Horizons With Old Recipes? A Rights-Based Assessment of IMF Recommendations to Arab Countries in Transition

October 8, 2014

MES@AU presented a dialogue on "New Horizons with Old Recipes? A Rights-Based Assessment of IMF Recommendations to Arab Countries in Transition." The dialogue was moderated by Professor Diane Singerman, Dept. of Government, School of Public Affairs at American University. The event hosted guest speakers: Hassan Sherry, the Arab NGO Network for Development; Ibtissam Alatiyat, Olaf University; Reem Abdelhalim, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights; and Ahmad Awad, Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies.

See event flyer.

Andrew Carnegie Centennial Fellowship In Support of Visiting Scholars in the Social Sciences from Arab Universities

May 28, 2014

The School of Public Affairs at American University, under the auspices of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, is offering support for visiting social science scholars from Arab universities. The fellowships, beginning in September 2014, are geared to encourage innovative research on urban governance, urban development, local government, and social justice and the built environment in the Arab region.

Visiting scholars may spend three to six months in residence, during which they will be expected to conduct their own research and prepare their work for publication. Areas of inquiry include but are not limited to research that focuses on participatory governance, urban development, participatory urban planning, local government reform, public service provision, the political problems of mega-cities, asset-based approaches to urban development, urban mobilization, municipal elections, and public space in the Middle East and North Africa. Visiting scholars will also collaborate with Professor Diane Singerman on a project related to these themes.

See event flyer.

AU film screening:"The Square"

April 11, 2014

AU faculty and students attended a film screening: "The Square" at the Founders Room, School of International Service, American University. The film is a 2013 Egyptian-American documentary film by Jehane Noujaim, which depicts the ongoing Egyptian Revolution of 2011 from its roots in Tahrir Square. The screening was followed by a discussion with Diane Singerman, School of Public Affairs, American University; Khalil AL-Anani, SAIS, John Hopkins University; Mohamed El-Menshawy, Middle East Institute and moderated by Professor Mohamed Alaa Abdel-Moneim, School of International Service.

Please, add the a link to the attached flyer

AU Arabian Nights

April. 9, 2014

The Arabic Language program of the Department of World Languages and Cultures at AU presented "Tales from Arabian Nights." The event was accompanied with a film viewing of "The 7th Voyage of Sindbad, 1985" at CLEAR, Asbury Hall, American University. The event was sponsored by AU WLC Arabic Program, MES@AU and the Center for Language Exploration, Acquisition and Research in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Please, add the a link to the attached flyer

Grounding Political Change in Egypt: The Public Interest, Local Roots of Democracy, and the Right to the City

March. 21, 2014

's project leaders, Diane Singerman, (Associate Professor in the Department of Government, School of Public Affairs at American University) and Kareem Ibrahim (Director of Takween Integrated Community Development based in Cairo, Egypt), as well as discussants, Adel Iskandar, Fellow at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University and David Stanek, Research Associate at TADAMUN, discussed local government reform, decentralization, the prospects of democracy in Egypt, and the outlook for urban development that may help create more equitable, inclusive communities in Egypt.

TADAMUN is an initiative of the American University (Washington, D.C.), supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation and implemented by the American University (Washington, D.C.) and Takween Integrated Community Development (Cairo). The was hosted at McDowell Hall Formal Lounge, American University.


October. 1, 2013

The three co-directors of EcoPeace/Friends of the Earth Middle East (FOEME); Gidon Bromberg (WCL '94), Nader al-Khateeb, and Munqeth Mehyar, presented their work on environmental issues and the Jordan River for discussion.

The was hosted by The Program on International and Comparative Environmental Law at the American University Washington College of Law, the Global Environmental Politics Program, the Kay Spiritual Life Center, MES@AU, the Center for Israel Studies, and the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.