BEGIN:VCALENDAR X-LOTUS-CHARSET:UTF-8 VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:AUcalendar4551502 SUMMARY:2025 Annual Graduate Student Research Conference of the Washington Consortium for Comparative and International Education DESCRIPTION:The 2025 SRC conference is inspired by the theme of the 69th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) being held in-person on March 22-26, 2025, in Chicago, IL. Envisioning Education in a Digital Society, the CIES 2025 conference theme, is inspired by rapid transformations taking place due to technological advancements (e.g., Generative Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Connectivity Technologies) that are reshaping our daily lives, the future of work and our society, all of which have profound impacts on education. These advancements bring complex challenges, including the adoption of technology in educational settings, ethical concerns, and the new digital divide that technologies can create. The digital revolution has ushered in exciting, promising, and imaginative changes, but it is also testing our beliefs about learning and education and the need to envision what the future might hold. LOCATION:SVB 517 Classroom DTSTART:20250222T090000 DTEND:20250222T150000 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR