BEGIN:VCALENDAR X-LOTUS-CHARSET:UTF-8 VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:AUcalendar4376017 SUMMARY:Black Faculty Staff Affinity Group Movement Mondays DESCRIPTION:We are planning to host Movement Mondays with the Capoeira Spot. We will invite their lead instructor, Ren Powell (Contra Mestre Morcego) to host a 45MIN movement session at 4PM to share the basics in Capoeira and Samba dance basics on the following dates: -Monday, January 13 -Monday, January 27 -Monday, February 10 I hope to build a space where folks can come and connect in community for the following outcomes: -Advocate for a healthy return to work -Promotion of indigenous and community-based workout approaches -Encourage movement -Bring play back to the workplace LOCATION:MGC 305-306 Combo Meeting Room DTSTART:20250210T153000 DTEND:20250210T173000 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR