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Data Science BS Program Is First in DC to Receive ABET Accreditation

American University’s Bachelor of Science Data Science program recognized by prestigious Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology

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American University’s Bachelor of Science in Data Science program has become the first undergraduate Data Science program in the greater DC region to receive accreditation from the prestigious Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). ABET accreditation assures that programs meet standards to produce graduates ready to enter critical technical fields that are leading the way in innovation and emerging technologies and anticipating the welfare and safety needs of the public.

American University’s BS in Data Science, housed in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, was established in 2021, and it’s been among the College’s fastest-growing programs. In spring 2021, one inaugural student earned a data science BS. The following year, eight students graduated from the program, and currently more than 90 students are majoring or planning to major in data science.

“This is quite an honor for the College,” says Dean Linda Aldoory. “Our newly accredited Data Science program illustrates our commitment to preparing students for the evolving demands of the digital age. With a focus on data science, machine learning, and emerging technologies, we’re equipping the next generation of leaders with the interdisciplinary skills they need to thrive in fields shaping the future.”

A One-of-a-Kind Program

The Data Science program draws faculty from across a blended department of mathematics, statistics, and data science. Classes are kept small, generally less than 20 or 25 students, so that professors and students have opportunities to interact closely and collaborate on research projects.

The program offers interdisciplinary choices and flexibility. Students can choose to minor in any undergraduate minor across the university—from public health to environmental science—so they can infuse their data science knowledge with deep expertise in a second area of study. The program also allows for dual majors, dual degrees, or even early entry into the Data Science Master’s degree program.

“Our students benefit by being immersed in American University’s unique liberal arts culture, with its diversity of perspectives and ideas,” says Associate Data Science Program Director Richard Ressler. “From a data science perspective, students engage with the ethical implications of data science and artificial intelligence methods and tools throughout the program, so they are prepared for the complexities of life as a data scientist.”

Ressler notes that the focus is on application, not theory. “The program allows students to learn and apply data science methods and skills with minimal introductory courses. Our courses infuse mathematics content as necessary to understand and apply general methods,” he explains. “With fewer introductory courses, students have more space in their schedules for advanced courses in data science methods such as deep learning or advanced neural networks, computer science, statistics, or mathematics, in addition to their minor.”

Cutting-Edge AI and Data Science Research

At CAS, faculty are engaged in cutting-edge research, much of it surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science. Topics include using machine learning for multi-dimensional analysis of social media, analysis of genetic polymorphisms, optimization methods for financial portfolios, and applications of advanced mathematics in cyber security.

The faculty research happening within the Mathematics and Statistics department is collaborative with other CAS and AU departments and with other universities and government research agencies. For example, Professor Michael Baron’s work on algorithms of threat detection was funded twice by the National Science Foundation, and his research about massive data analysis and yield prediction in semiconductor manufacturing was recently published in the book Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Science in Statistics (Springer, 2022).

Faculty research regularly engages undergraduate students. Professor Zois Boukouvalas obtained three research grants totaling $514,924 from the Energetics Technology Center, which develops strategies and policies in national security and defense technology areas. The grant helped support the work of 15 data science students who co-authored peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles with Boukouvalas and secured leadership positions in industries and government organizations. Notably, two students, Michelle Wheatley and Max Calzada Munoz, supported by these grants, are now working at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, directly applying the knowledge they gained to government projects.

Program Director Betty Malloy sums up what it means to be accredited. “Data Science programs must continuously adapt to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving field,” she says. “Meeting ABET’s accreditation standards means our faculty are active in the field, and we are continuing to update our program to prepare our students for their success.”

For More Information

Learn more about the Bachelor's and Master's in Data Science. More information about ABET and its accreditation criteria can be found on its .