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Photograph of Jeffrey Hakim

Jeffrey Hakim Professor and Department Chair, Math & Statistics Mathematics and Statistics

PhD, Mathematics,Columbia University, 1989 <br> MS, Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1983<br>BA, Mathematics, University of Virginia, 1982

Jeffrey Hakim’s research primarily lies within the broad mathematical areas of representation theory and harmonic analysis. Most recently, he has focused on supercuspidal representations and symmetric spaces over p-adic fields. His papers have also involved relative trace formulas and hyperbolic geometry.
See Also
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Spring 2024

  • MATH-125 The Math Workshop

  • MATH-125 The Math Workshop

Fall 2024

  • MATH-125 The Math Workshop

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Selected Publications

  • “Distinguished tame supercuspidal representations,” with Fiona Murnaghan, Int. Math. Res. Pap. IMRP 2008, no. 2, Art. ID rpn005, 166 pp.
  • “The moduli space of n+1 points in complex hyperbolic $n$-space,” with Hanna Sandler, Special volume dedicated to the memory of Hanna Miriam Sandler (1960-1999).Geom. Dedicata97 (2003), 3-15.
  • “Tame supercuspidal representations of GL(n) distinguished by a unitary group,” with Fiona Murnaghan, Compositio Math.133(2002), no. 2, 199-244.
  • “Two types of distinguished supercuspidal representations,” with Fiona Murnaghan, Int. Math. Res. Not. 2002, no. 35, 1857-1889.
  • “Globalization of distinguished supercuspidal representations of GL(n),” with Fiona Murnaghan, Canad. Math. Bull.45(2002), no. 2, 220-230.
  • “Cuspidal representations associated to (GL(n),O(n)) over finite fields and p-adic fields,” with Zhengyu Mao, J. Algebra 213(1999),no. 1, 129-143.
  • “Supercuspidal representations of GL(n) distinguished by a unitary subgroup,” with Zhengyu Mao, Pacific J. Math.185(1998), no. 1, 149-162.